for Exceptional Children
Academic Achievement

¡Screening Assessment: (First Alert) These quick, easily administered assessments are used to identify those students who are at-risk for reading difficulties. (Dibels, AimsWeb)
¡Progress Monitoring Assessments: These assessments are used to ensure that students are making adequate reading progress. They must be easily administered and sensitive to growth over short instructional intervals. These assessments quickly determine the need for instructional change when progress is not at the expected level. (Dibels, AimsWeb, 4Sight)
¡Diagnostic Assessments: These in-depth assessments determine a student's specific instructional needs and what and how much intervention may be required. They measure the component skills of reading, and determine where in the scope and sequence of those skills the student falls. (Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test)
¡Outcome Assessments: These assessments are used to determine whether students have achieved grade-level or proficiency standard performance. (PSSA)