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Russ Armstrong's Intervention Program
Russ Armstrong was given a reading intervention based on his Lexile score and a behavior intervention based on a multi-disciplinary team conclusion that indeed Russ had difficulties controlling himself from throwing objects and hitting others; and had a problem with keeping attention to task.
Reading Intervention
Russ' reading intervention progressed through a 24-week period focusing on:
Tier 2 Intervention: Weeks 1-8 Corrective Reading [reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension]
Tier 2 Intervention: Weeks 8-16 Fast Forword [processing efficiency, cognitive skills]
Tier 3 Intervention: Weeks 16-24 Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction [reading and science]
Since Russ' progress monitoring chart indicates an upward trend towards attaining reading goals, his intervention program should proceed to reinforce his reading skills and his interest in science. The reading intervention will now focus on the following goals:
At the end of the intervention, Russ should be able to:
read passages using background knowledge and information;
ask lower order and higher order questions;
identify and reorganize story structure;
summarize passages read; and
search additional information about concepts from a reading task.
To respond to the intervention goals, the following reading programs are suggested:
Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)
"Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) is a program designed by John Guthrie and Allan Wigfield to incorporate reading strategy instruction and inquiry science in interesting and unique ways for students. The goals of CORI are to increase students' reading comprehension, reading motivation, and science knowledge." - John Guthrie
Source: Guthrie, J. (2013). Reading engagment project. In C.O.R.I. University of Maryland. Retrieved 9/9/13 from http://www.corilearning.com/research-projects/reading-engagement-project/
C.O.R.I. Resources:
Overview of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)
Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction: An Integrated Curriculum to Develop Motivations
Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) Q&A
"Fast Track Reading is an intervention program for delayed readers in grades 3 through 8 who are reading at least two years below grade level. This comprehensive and intensive program is based on current research into theoretical models of reading, instructional design and methodologies, and the needs of delayed readers."
Reading Intervention Strategies
Mental Imagery: Improving Text Recall
Prior Knowledge: Activating the 'Known'
Progress Monitoring Procedures
To monitor Russ' reading progress, an assessment plan shall be designed and an evaluation be administered monthly - or on demand as needed. Research based formative assessments can be chosen from the list below.
Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)
Behavior / Attending Behavior Interventions
The intervention provided to Russ in a 24-week behavior intervention program was aimed at addressing his throwing objects to others and not being able to be on task. The progress report showed that changes in behavior fluctuated towards goal during Tiers 1 & 2 interventions with a noted regression during Tier 3 intervention. The team's conclusion based on a FUBA that Russ throws objects and / or hits others when given a task to complete independently is reflected in his progress report. At Tier 3, Russ was given a Behavior Contract and had individualized behavior modification sessions with the teacher. The Behavior Contract did not seem to work from Week-16 through Week 22, then there was an upward movement towards the end of the program. This could be surmised that the Behavior Contract was beginning to have an effect on Russ, or Russ had finally decided to behave well because he knew the program was going to end very soon. Either way, an intervention program is still needed for Russ to reinforce acquired good behavior and diminish unacceptable behavior. Russ' behavior of throwing object and/ or hitting others is associated with the behavior of not attending to task. His behavior intervention program should therefore continue with the Behavior Contract along with strategies that may respond to learning difficulties due to heightened alertness to environmental stimuli that limits his ability to focus on instructional and academic tasks.
At the end of the behavior intervention program, Russ will be able to:
work with other students without throwing and / or hitting any of them;
attend to task within various time duration;
use a graphic planner to keep on task;
resist environmental stimuli to be on task.
Suggested Intervention Strategies
Following are suggested intervention strategies to meet predetermined behavioral goals.
Motivation Challenge 3: Classroom Instruction Does Not Engage
Motivation Challenge 5: The Student Lacks Confidence that He or She Can Do the Work
Positive Peer Reports: Changing Negative Behaviors By Rewarding Student Compliments
Progress Monitoring Procedures
To monitor Russ' behavior intervention, an assessment plan shall be designed and an evaluation be administered monthly - or on demand as needed. Research based formative assessments can be chosen from the list below.
Direct Behavior Rating Single Item Scales (DBR-SIS) Academically Engaged
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS) Academic Functioning
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS) Cognitive / Attention
[Click to see] Russ Armstrong: A Case Study